Essential Questions to Ask in a Job Interview: Tips from EXOS Talent

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Navigating a job interview can be nerve-wracking, but having the right questions prepared can demonstrate your enthusiasm, preparedness, and fit for the role. As the interview winds down, you’ll often hear, “What can I answer for you?” This is your opportunity to shine and show interest in the position and company. Here are essential questions that EXOS Talent suggests you ask to make a lasting impression.

Key Topics to Explore During Your Interview

  1. Duties and Requirements:
    • “How would you describe a typical workday?” This question helps clarify your potential responsibilities and daily tasks, giving you insight into what your workload may look like.
  2. Office Structure:
    • “What is the company’s management style?” This will help you gauge how well you’ll integrate into the leadership structure.
  3. Culture:
    •  “What are the biggest rewards of the job and working for this company?” This question reveals why current employees find their roles fulfilling and what makes the company a special place to work.
  4. Promotion:
    • “What are the prospects for growth and advancement?” Understanding the path for career progression can help you assess whether the company supports your professional development goals.
  5. Mission and Vision:
    • “How has the company changed over the last few years?” This question helps you understand the company’s trajectory and whether its future aligns with your personal and professional aspirations.

Additional Questions to Consider Asking

  • How much travel is expected?
  • How many people work in this office?
  • Why is this position available?
  • How would you describe the company’s values?

Questions to Avoid

To maintain professionalism and show that you’ve done your homework, avoid asking:

  • What does your company do?
  • When can I take time off for vacation?
  • Can I change my schedule if I get the job?
  • Did I get the job?


Asking insightful questions not only clarifies your role and expectations but also demonstrates your genuine interest in the position and company. For more guidance on navigating your career path or exploring open positions, reach out to us today. Let us help you prepare for your next career opportunity with confidence.

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